Saturday, October 2, 2010


By Jamie

I had my appt yesterday, and I'm 2.5 cm dilated!!  Gosh I hope I don't go all the way to my due date.  I've been having terrible itching all over (just like I had with Mya).  It is horrible, and I can't seem to find the magical "relief" treatment except showers and baths.  I need to just tough it out and pray for an early delivery!!!

I can't wait to start posting pictures of baby Reese and baby Mason!  Keep checking back for news about Sarah's and my labor, delivery, and the births of our little ones! :)

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations, girls! BTW - Love the names you both picked. Eily would have been Mason if she was a boy. And Kai would have been Reese if he was a girl!

    -Michelle (Dodrill) Hawk
