Thursday, October 14, 2010

Home Sweet Home

By Sarah 10-14-10
Home Sweet Home!

We are so glad to be home from the hospital and settling in with baby Reese!  She has been such a quiet little thing.  She sleeps and eats- and well, that's pretty much it so far!  I am anxious for her to be awake more!

I feel great- better than I did when we brought Carson home!  It feels very weird to be off work... I have a hard time sitting still but really need to make sure I don't over-do it!  I have a "to do" list that I am going to try to target this weekend and just take things one day at a time.  I really want to enjoy my time off with little Reese!  XOXOX


  1. Congratulations, Sarah, Jeremy and Carson! Reese is beautiful and I can't wait to meet her!! Enjoy the time off with her! Love, Sumita

  2. Congratulations Sarah, Jeremy and Carson - Reese is truly a sweet addition to your family. She will be doubly blessed by never having to worry about a bad hair day! Love, Judy Johnson
