Monday, May 3, 2010

Frequently Asked Questions....

Our most frequently asked questions....and answers:

1. Will you find out the sex ahead of time?

SARAH - Yes!! On May 20
JAMIE - Yes!! Date TBA. For several reasons....I'm a planner, so I want to have everything ready. And I felt like it was a bonding thing to be able to talk to Mya in my belly and call her by name! I didn't have to keep referring to her as an "it"!! And we had a 4D ultrasound with Mya where the whole family could be there with us, so it was very exciting to share it with our loved ones! It's still a "surprise" if you find out ahead of time!

2. Was the "twin pregnancy" planned?

NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Seriously people, you can't truly plan any pregnancy, let alone try to get pregnant within 12 days of someone else.

3. Was your pregnancy an accident (or were you trying to get pregnant)?
Oh gosh, this is such a personal question, and I can't believe people really ask it. When are we going to get the guts to tell someone it's none of your **** business?!! (But we'll tell you...SARAH- Yes...JAMIE - No, not an accident)

4. Have you told Carson & Mya?
JAMIE – Yes, but Mya doesn’t really understand!! She keeps referring to the baby as the Super Babies. If anyone has advice on how to prepare a sibling for a new baby in the house, please tell me! Otherwise, I’m probably not going to talk much about the baby to her until it gets very close to my due date. Mya thinks she will always be The Queen at our house, so I guess I can let her think that for as long as possible!!

5. How are you feeling?
JAMIE – I have good days/bad days. And fortunately more good days than bad days now! I haven’t thrown up in a week!! I’m still very tired in the evenings, but my energy has come back in the morning and afternoon, when I need it most!

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