Friday, January 29, 2010


Friday, January 29th

I hadn’t ‘missed’ my period yet but couldn’t get the thought out of my head that I MAY be pregnant. I had a client cancellation so I zipped down to CVS to buy a pregnancy test. I bought a 2-pack thinking that whatever the results were, I was going to take both of them. I rushed into the bathroom at the salon and quickly peed on the tip of the test. I looked at it for a minute and it looked negative (the positive window was blank), but I put it back in the wrapper and into my purse instead of throwing it in the trash. I had another client coming in and didn’t have time to wait the entire recommended three minutes for a definite result. I did a couple of haircuts and then grabbed for the test in my purse. The second ‘positive’ widow on the test seemed to have a very faint line. Ahhhh! I went ahead and took the second test and had the same result. I did know that it was very unlikely to get a false positive, but couldn’t really determine if the line was really a line. It was much lighter than the line in the first window and I thought that MAYBE I had a bad batch of tests??? OR, I was in complete denial.

I immediately sent my husband a text message from my cell phone. I didn’t want to call for two reasons; I didn’t want anyone else in the salon to hear about me being pregnant and I was afraid that I once I heard Jeremy’s voice, I would start crying and have to face the rest of my clients all puffy-eyed and mascara-smeared the rest of the day. The text read something like this: “I am freaking out. Just took a pregnancy test and it was positive. Ahhhhhhhh!”.

Sunday, January 17, 2010


Sunday, January 17th

OOOOOPS! It wasn’t a typical Sunday morning. I was cramping, had a headache and all I could think about was that in the heat of the moment- why didn’t one of us (well I thought it was his responsibility because I wanted someone to blame!) use protection last night? I knew I was exactly between periods and there was that chance that I could be pregnant. I thought about it for the next several days.