Sunday, July 7, 2013

It's summertime!

By Jamie

I don't post many updates to this blog anymore, but as Mason is growing and changing, I wanted to make sure to document some of the positives and some of the struggles we're going through!!!

Mason is very physical, impulsive, non-stop, active, and LOUD!!!  He will often dump bowls of food or snacks, run and push sissy, dump toys, etc.  He has lots of energy and drains most of my energy each day!! I struggle with discipline and the right and wrong way to discipline, as I often feel nothing works.  I'm sure this is just a phase....a very difficult one! It will pass!!

On the positive, he is very happy, outgoing, friendly, and compassionate.  He loves meeting kids, and he especially loves playing with the boys and roughing around.  His number one obsession is still basketball!!  He carries a mini basketball with him everywhere!  He even insists on wearing a basketball shirt each and every day!  This is no joke: he will throw a screaming temper tantrum if I don't allow him to wear his favorite shirt from the day before!!!  So instead of him wearing all the clothes that were given to us by friends, I had to go purchase him some muscle shirts and basketball shorts!  Luckily, he has about 5 or 6 tops that he will agree to wear, so I don't have to launder the same outfit every day like I was doing in the beginning!!!

We have a fabulous screened-in porch in the new house, so he plays very well on his own with his cars and trucks on the road rugs we keep out there.  However, he does not share well, and we have a long way to go on that before school starts in September.

I try not to get discouraged with him.  He is only 2 1/2 and should not be treated like a 4 year old, even though he often is because he's so big!!!!  Potty training was going great until we moved, then I dropped the ball!  We're trying again now, but it's not an urgency for us right now.  The move was a huge adjustment for the kids, so we're taking things slowly!!!!

His speech is getting better.  He is a little difficult to understand at times, but speaks in full sentences and is very expressive when he talks (just like sissy!!).  I have realized that I can't compare his overall speech to Mya or any other kid though.  I'm sure he is right on track and his developmental milestones are normal.  He impressed us by singing the Star Spangled Banner with Mya a few weeks back!!  :)

Oh we love you, Mister!  Good times and bad, you are the boy that we prayed for, and are blessed to have you!!! :)  :)