Sunday, May 30, 2010

Wedding Weekend!

By Jamie - 19 weeks

It is NOT easy to find cute, wedding-appropriate maternity dresses!!!  I had a wedding to attend last weekend and this weekend--both at my church, so I had to get two separate dresses.  Well, make it three separate dresses because we went to the rehearsal dinner for one of them too.  And I have more weddings to attend before summer is over! Luckily, I was able to find 4 dresses, in two separate shopping trips, all on clearance at Macy's...and none of them are "maternity."  It's great that the flowy, empire waist dresses are in style now!  I will spare you pictures of my growing belly, but here is a pic of Jim and me from yesterday!


I am almost halfway through the pregnancy!!!  I will have my ultrasound in a week, and we are sooo excited to find out the sex!  We have started clearing out the "pink room" (our spare bedroom that is painted pink and used to have my vanity and all my mary kay inventory).  We decided that even if it's a girl, we are going to paint over the various shades of hot pink and silver's just a little much for an infant!!!  It has been great to have my own little dressing room all these years, but I'm ready to give it up and turn it into a nursery!

I started to feel the baby kicking around a couple weeks ago.  Now Mya has started telling me that her belly hurts because her baby is kicking her in the belly!!!!  She also told me her belly is getting bigger like mine!  I am definitely not someone who loves being pregnant (and I want to strangle all of you out there who do, because you must not have nausea, vomiting, moodiness, weight gain, etc.!!!!), but feeling the baby moving is very cool, and one of the best parts about it!

Well, I hope everyone has a wonderful Memorial Day!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Mya is 3!!!

By Jamie

Yesterday was Mya's 3rd Birthday!!!  Jim has been out of town for work for 11 days now, so Mya and I had ourselves a little party with my friend Julie.  We went shopping, had dinner, then chowed down on the Princess & the Frog cupcakes she picked out!

3 years ago...

I don't really remember a lot that happened on the day Mya was born, only because I was in a fog from the 4 hours of pushing, all the medication, and blood loss.  Blog Entry from 5/31/07.    I only held her for a brief minute, then didn't see her for almost 24 hours.  I had to spend a total of 9 days in the hospital, and was sooo thankful when I finally got to come home!!  As this pregnancy gets closer to the end, I will write in further detail about everything that happened, as I pray that I don't have to go through it again this time!!  Happy Birthday, Mya!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Ice Cream!

Yesterday was a nice, hot we got together for ice cream!
Mya & Carson:

Friday, May 21, 2010

The News is Out!!!

By Sarah
Jeremy and Carson waiting with me before the ultrasound:
I don't think we were supposed to snap pics in the ultrasound room, so I didn't get one while the tech was in there and baby was on the screen. This is Carson standing by the machine after we were finished (and the tech stepped out). The images of the baby were also projected on a larger monitor on the wall. 
The News is Out!

Wow, it is all really starting to sink in now! I am SOOOO glad we found out what we are having. I have gotten well over 100 e-mails and they are still coming in... I am doing my best to check them all. Everyone has been so kind and encouraging... and also VERY funny (lots of hair references!!)! If this little girl is bald till she's three like Carson was, I am in trouble. Lots of expectations of cute baby hairdos!!! Thank goodness for STICK-ON hair bows. If she has lots of hair... is age two too young for hair-color?!!!

Carson was so much fun at the ultrasound appointment! He was asking the tech all sorts of questions about the images. At one point (after about 15 minutes of looking at everything BUT the gender area) he said "I am losing my excitement. When are you going to tell us what the baby is?". After she told us, he must have asked 5 times if he could call grandpa. We had to keep telling him that we had to wait till we got to the car- you'd think we were killing the kid!!! He was sooooo excited about the news of a baby sister!

My relief:
I was so thrilled when the doctor told us that everything looked great with the ultrasound. I can now pray that everything continues to go well and that I have a great delivery and my little daughter is healthy.

Another Ultrasound:
Dr. Chan reviewed my results and her office called today to assure us that all looked good. She is going to do another ultrasound at the end of June (a level one- 2D) to be sure the baby is continuing to develop normally.

I am now REALLY excited to find out if Mya will have a brother or sister... if a sister- I am thinking she could look a lot like my little girl?!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Sarah's Ultrasound!

Sarah's ultrasound is tomorrow morning (Thursday)!!!  Check back to see whether she's having a BOY or GIRL!!!

Monday, May 17, 2010


By Jamie

First of all, I just want to update about my urine collection!!  My doctor's office called and said everything came back normal, which is great news!  I'm guessing that I will have to do it again at some point.

Yesterday, we had a bridal shower for our brother Kevin's fiancee Renee.  They are getting married on June 19th!  It was so great to meet Renee's family and see all of our family again!

All the guests!  (Renee is in the back row, 3rd from left)

Sarah, our cousin Tiffany, Jamie

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

16 Week Appt

By Jamie - 16 weeks

I had my appt with the Dr yesterday, and she said she wants me to do a 24-hour urine collection....yipee :(!!  I had preeclampsia when I was pregnant with Mya, so she wants to check and make sure there is no protein in my urine, which is a sign of preeclampsia.

I had to do this when I was pregnant with Mya, and it was NO FUN!!!  (I think I was 37 weeks along, and had to pee every 20 minutes or so by then, which was why it was such a pain.).  But, I have decided I will not complain about this small inconvenience this time, since I know it is for my own good.  And it doesn't even come close to the blood-thinner shots I had to give myself twice a day for three months when they discovered I had a blood clot after giving birth last time. 

I am going to start "the collection" tomorrow sometime.  I will spare you all the details, but basically I'm stuck at home for 24 hours (unless I want to haul around a container of my own urine with me everywhere!!!).  Then on Thursday, I will have to take it to the lab and get bloodwork.

I'm sure Mya will notice what I'm doing and have some questions and comments to make!  We will see....


Monday, May 10, 2010

Countdown to the Ultrasounds!!!

We both plan to find out the sex of our baby ahead of time, and it's only a few more weeks until we have the ultrasounds!!!

Sarah's is May 20
Jamie's is June 7

Don't forget to cast your vote in the sidebar to guess what we will be having!!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Salary of a Mom

By Jamie

Ever wonder what your annual paycheck would be if you got paid for being a Mom???  Click HERE to calculate it.  The median in the Columbus, OH area would be about $116,000!!!

Here is my paychcek.  

HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to all of you Moms out there!!!

Good Days and....

Bad Days!!!
By Jamie, 16 weeks

Mya's behavior these days is almost more than I can handle!!!  I know it's because this pregnancy is causing me to have very little tolerance and absolutely no patience.

The other day, she peed herself.  She has been potty-trained for months now, so I was surprised and a little disappointed when it happened.  I was lying on the couch, not feeling well and trying to rest for a few short minutes.  She grabbed herself and told me she had to go potty.  So I told her to go by herself (because I know she can).  She ran to the bathroom and screamed for me to help her.  By the time I got over to her, she was peeing in her shorts.  I guess it was my fault, since I didn't go help her when she first told me she had to go.  But, I'm trying to teach her independence, not to mention that she has gone by herself before....we even have a little pink potty in the bathroom for her in case she can't get up on the big one.  Then, I threw a bunch of paper towels on the floor and told her to clean it up herself.  She was not happy (Yikes!!  I feel guilty about that.).

I really can't be mad at a 2 year-old for having one little peeing accident.  But, my point is that my brain is not functioning normally now!  My actions and reactions to things are not me!  I'm blaming my mental state and behavior on the pregnancy because it IS the pregnancy!!!!

Only 24 more weeks to go...then I will be faced with a whole new set of issues...Lord, help me!!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Frozen Yogurt!!!

We went to a great frozen yogurt place last night...Menchie's (7545 Sawmill Rd next to the Kroger Marketplace in Dublin, OH).  You get to fill your cup with soft-serve frozen yogut, then go put on any topping that you want (and they have lots!!)!  Then you pay by the ounce ($0.44/oz).  Yummy!!!!

Mya & Carson

Monday, May 3, 2010

Frequently Asked Questions....

Our most frequently asked questions....and answers:

1. Will you find out the sex ahead of time?

SARAH - Yes!! On May 20
JAMIE - Yes!! Date TBA. For several reasons....I'm a planner, so I want to have everything ready. And I felt like it was a bonding thing to be able to talk to Mya in my belly and call her by name! I didn't have to keep referring to her as an "it"!! And we had a 4D ultrasound with Mya where the whole family could be there with us, so it was very exciting to share it with our loved ones! It's still a "surprise" if you find out ahead of time!

2. Was the "twin pregnancy" planned?

NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Seriously people, you can't truly plan any pregnancy, let alone try to get pregnant within 12 days of someone else.

3. Was your pregnancy an accident (or were you trying to get pregnant)?
Oh gosh, this is such a personal question, and I can't believe people really ask it. When are we going to get the guts to tell someone it's none of your **** business?!! (But we'll tell you...SARAH- Yes...JAMIE - No, not an accident)

4. Have you told Carson & Mya?
JAMIE – Yes, but Mya doesn’t really understand!! She keeps referring to the baby as the Super Babies. If anyone has advice on how to prepare a sibling for a new baby in the house, please tell me! Otherwise, I’m probably not going to talk much about the baby to her until it gets very close to my due date. Mya thinks she will always be The Queen at our house, so I guess I can let her think that for as long as possible!!

5. How are you feeling?
JAMIE – I have good days/bad days. And fortunately more good days than bad days now! I haven’t thrown up in a week!! I’m still very tired in the evenings, but my energy has come back in the morning and afternoon, when I need it most!