Sunday, February 5, 2012

Mason is 16 Months!!!

By Jamie

In just one short month since my last post, Mason has already changed so much!  He is finally starting to repeat more words that we say.  When my Mom came to visit this past week, she played the song "Back to the Manger" on her Kindle for him and he kept saying "Back!"  He loves music! He also loves when he sees football and basketball games on TV....not to mention his excitement at the live OU games we go to see!  He flaps his arms when he gets excited about something (or when he doesn't get his way!).  He will still eat anything that we put in front of him!  The good news is that he is better about not putting non-food stuff in his mouth!  He wears size 18-24 mo. pants and 2T shirts.  Mya is so proud of him!  Her preschool teacher tells me often that she talks about him to all the kids and she always runs to the door to greet him when we pick her up!

He fell asleep on the way home from church this morning after eating an Oreo!

This coming Friday, Sarah is having a big sleepover for all the cousins at her house (no babies of course!)! We will be posting pics of that big event for sure!!

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