It's hard to believe that Mason is 18 months! He weighs 31 lbs. (97%) and is 35.5 inches (99%). He is saying more words now (more, Mya, grandpa, grandma, car, ball, and Oooo for the Ohio Bobcats O-H-I-O chant!). He rotates between two naps and one nap per day, depending on when Mya goes to school. He usually goes to bed at 8:00 and wakes up around 7:30. He continues to be soooo happy!!! He wears a size 8 shoe and mostly 2t tops. He is soooooo active, loves playing outside, and even climbed out of his crib a few weeks ago (yikes!!!). His doctor talked about potty-training, so we have decided to get started. We put Mya's old little pink potty in the bathroom, so he sits on it a couple times a day. I will probably wait until summer to actively work on potty training him and Jim insists we get him a boy potty soon! Poor Mason....our garage is full of pink cars, pink bikes, pink scooters and everything girly. We have to start buying some outdoor boy stuff for him!!
In just 6 short months, our little Mister will be 2!!!!! ( For those who don't know, we call him Mister for his initials MR!)