...And Is Going!
Well, it's about 6:45pm on October 10, 2010... my DUE DATE. I have had a great day- NO signs of labor. No aches or pains- I have slept and felt very well the last couple of days and the majority of my entire pregnancy. I got to see Carson's football practice and game today and have gotten a lot accomplished. My bag is packed. My cameras are charged. Reese's room is stocked and ready for her to come home (thanks to all my friends and family for the amazing gifts!!! XOXOXOX).
Manic Monday?
On a typical Monday morning, I wake up around 4:00AM. I start with my shower, cup of coffee, makeup, get dressed and usually hit the road by 5:10AM to head in to the Salon. I am a 'morning person' more than a night person, so I don't mind getting up before the sun rises!
Tomorrow, though, will be a different start to my week. I will probably get up around 3:30AM-ish, do all the same things I do before a work day, load up the car, kiss Carson goodbye and then Jeremy and I will head to St. Anne's hospital. My induction is scheduled for 5:00AM, so I would like to arrive a little before that.
Nine months of preparation. Doctor visits. Food binges. Tears of joy. Tears of terror. Mood swings. Sleeplessness. Frequent urination... etc... HAS ALL LEAD UP TO THIS.
I love baby Reese so much. I don't deserve such a gift and thank God every day for her. I can hardly wait to hear her little cry (yes, that might change, I know!!!), hold her little fingers and kiss her hairy (or bald!) little head.
40 weeks of my life have been all of hers.
Now the fun really begins!...
by Sarah